What is the CIDTL pathway?

Candidates who have completed the Certificate (CICTL) at our centre or any other centre can pursue the Diploma with us.

Aims of the Diploma:

In the Diploma, candidates will have the opportunity to:

  • Understand principles of learning and teaching, and relate these critically to their own practice.
  • Critically engage with educational theory and research evidence to inform and develop their professional thinking.
  • Design coherent lessons and schemes of learning that focus on planning for active learning and teaching.
  • Use a variety of approaches to teaching and learning appropriately to help learners to learn more effectively.
  • Develop their personal reflective practice skills, enriched by ideas and experience from external sources.
  • Learn collaboratively, supporting and supported by their colleagues.

Candidates can work towards the Diploma at their own pace, depending on their priorities and circumstances. Certification provides an international quality mark, enhancing their professional profile, and opening pathways for further professional and career development.

Contact us today to join the next intake!

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